Fish of the Month
An introduction to Jersey’s freshest, most low-impact fish
Local, seasonal, low-impact fish
Make your seafood shop as sustainable as possible with Jersea’s Fish of the Month.
Jersey is home to a wide variety of fish and shellfish, so whatever the time of year, you can make a seasonal choice.
Each month, we’re introducing islanders to local, low-impact fish that both support our fishers and keep your dinner plans delicious!

Fish of the Month: Red Mullet
This November, red mullet is Jersea’s Fish of the Month! We’ve got you covered with delicious recipes, top tips and local suppliers.
Fish of the Month
A choice that benefits everyone
Over 85% of Jersey’s fishing fleet operate using ‘low-impact’ or static gear methods, such as pots, set nets, rod and line or hand-diving. The fleet lands a wide range of fish and shellfish throughout the seasons. Fish of the Month hopes to increase awareness of the diversity of seafood caught in Jersey waters and encourage a more responsible and local choice when buying fish.
Each month, our seasonal guide will help you find and cook fish from Jersey waters and learn about the fishermen and communities behind them.
Eat local
Fish that go from sea to plate within 24 hours are guaranteed to be fresh and have a low carbon footprint, helping to mitigate climate change.
Buying seafood that’s been caught or farmed in Jersey’s waters supports the livelihoods of our fishers and the island’s coastal communities.
There are lots of ways to buy local seafood in Jersey, including restaurants, merchants and direct from the boat.
Eat seasonal
Jersey has a great variety of seafood year-round with hand-dived scallops, black bream, and spider crab all on offer. The fishing community in Jersey fish with the seasons, changing their gear and fishing grounds to target different fish throughout the year.
Buying in-season fish supports this way of life, and ensures our fisheries remain within sustainable limits for generations to come.
Eat low-impact
When buying seafood it’s important to understand how your fish was caught, and the impact that fishing method has on the environment.
Certain types of fishing gear – such as bottom trawling and dredging – can be very harmful to both the marine environment and fish stocks.
It’s best to steer clear of fish caught using these methods and look for fish caught using low-impact methods such as pots, set nets, rod and line or hand-diving instead.
These methods have a significantly smaller impact, and are much more selective. Shellfish grown through aquaculture such as oysters and mussels are also a good choice.
Supporting Jersey fishers
Through Fish of the Month, Jersea is aiming to support small-scale Jersey fishers.
There is real potential for Jersey to become a model of a small-scale, low-impact fishery. However, our fleet is under extreme pressure due to the collapse of exports over the last year and a decline in local fish stocks.
We can help sustain our fishery and shift towards a healthier ocean around Jersey by supporting our local fishermen and choosing to buy low-impact. When buying local seafood, be sure to ask where the fish is from and how it is caught.
By making an effort to buy local, low-impact fish you are making a choice to invest in the island’s future.

Fish of the Month: Red Mullet
This November, red mullet is Jersea’s Fish of the Month! We’ve got you covered with delicious recipes, top tips and local suppliers.
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